Our Team

Young and growing team

We are a young, scrappy team of story tellers, artists, animators, and engineers who are committed to building competitive games.
Sophia Anderson
Conceptual & Digital Artist

Sophia takes Elliott's crazy ideas and brings them to life, first through conceptual art, and then in detailed character sprites which Matt animates in Bellumentum. In addition, she handles all of our portrait and background art. Sophia is a sophomore at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, working on her Bachlor's degree in Fine Arts.

Matt Boyle
Animator & Artist

Matt joined TCS as an artist, but when we realized we really needed an animator, he cheerfully volunteered and taught himself Unity skeletal animation, going on to create all of the animations for Bellumentum. He captures the nuance of these varied characters and brings them to life. Matt graduated from George Washington University with a degree in graphic design.

Ruben Esteves
Art Director

Ruben is an experienced animator, artist, and designer who has guided our team's art style, UI design, palette and overall look and feel. He has been a strong mentor to the other artists and animators as they develop their skills, and coordinates their day-to-day activities on Bellumentum.

Elliott Hohman
Co-Founder, Game Designer & Lore Writer

Elliott co-founded Tweaking Cat Studios with his brother, Oliver. Elliott is the primary creative force behind Bellumentum, the world of Braga, the conflict between its factions, and its many characters. He is passionate about game shaping and translates these stories into the abilities, upgrades, and game mechanics which form the foundation for Bellumentum. He is also a powerful storyteller, which you can see in the Lore of Braga section. Elliott is a junior at the University of Rochester majoring in English.

Oliver Hohman
Co-Founder, Product Manager, Game Designer, Math Genius

Oliver co-founded Tweaking Cat Studios with his brother, Elliott. As product manager, Oliver brings organization, structure, judgment, and discipline to our game-building process, which he has led. As a Game Designer, he works closely with Elliott on mechanics, balance, and campaign storyline. He also happens to be by far the best mathematician on the team, so he helps engineering anytime the math gets really nasty. Oliver can probably beat you at CSGO, and is a senior at Santa Clara University majoring in Bio Engineering with a minor in Mechanical Engineering.

Robert Hohman
Executive Producer & Sr. Software Engineer

Robert acts as Executive Producer of the game Bellumentum (providing funding), but mostly spends his days doing what he loves most - writing software. Before TCS he was Co-Founder and CEO of Glassdoor, which he led for 14 years. He is a lifelong gamer, and a minority owner of Cloud9 eSports. This is technically his second video game, having been Engineering lead on Microsoft Ants.

Anna Ochotta
Composer, Musician, Sound Designer & Artist

Anna is a gifted musician and composed, performed, and recorded multiple original scores for Bellumentum, in addition to all sound effects used in the game. She also is conceiving, designing and illustrating the iconography used in the game. She is a sophomore at Tisch School of the Arts majoring in Game Design.

Mack Parlamis
Lead Sound Design Engineer, Musician

Mack has been an invaluable addition to the team since joining earlier this summer. He is a lifelong lover of games and a career creative with past experience in the industry. After taken on the role of Lead Sound Design, Mack has been hard at work crafting the sonic landscape for Braga and its inhabitants. He is currently a senior at California Institute of the Arts and aims for a long career in Game Development and Sound Design. Mack is also an OTP Gangplank main in League of Legends.

Ryan Reiss
Sr. Software Engineer

Bellumentum was lucky to find Ryan, an experienced Unity engineer with a true passion for gaming. Along with Robert, Ryan has been responsible for all aspects of Bellumentum's engineering, and in general handles the more complicated graphics / Unity engine work. This is Ryan's second published game, as he is the sole author and developer of "Save Da Frogs", published on Steam in late 2023. Ryan graduated from the University of British Columbia with a BSc in Computer Science.

Sage Sanderson
Product Manager / Producer

Sage is the product manager for Bellumentum helping in the final stretch before shipping to make sure all the final pieces work together. She loves running, art, and of course, video games, and likes to combine the last two passions into making little clay sculptures of her favorite characters and weapons (mostly Pokémon). She is currently a Junior at Stanford University majoring in Management Science and Engineering.

Violet Joyce
Conceptual & Digital Artist

Violet is a gifted concept and digital artist working to bring the Bellumentum universe to life. Devoted to creativity and experimentation, she handles background illustrations, concept art, and final character sprites. She is a graduate of ETIC School of Arts, majoring in Concept Art.

Theo Anderson
Intern & Play Tester

Theo was an important part of the TCS team, helping to find bugs in the game and play testing to help us find balance issues. He also happens to be one of the top golfers in California. Theo is a senior at Marin Catholic High School.